STORY 我們的故事

STORY 我們的故事

ScentMûes由20年經驗的自然醫學專家及國際認證芳療師群,秉持最簡單的衷心,追隨大自然中純淨精靈,開啟一段尋香的旅程,領著你我在片刻中回到心中那個熟悉又遙遠的起點,找到生命中的火光。Scent, glowing with Mûes.

Mûes, in and of itself, is art.
Inspirations, coming from art, sparkle into lights emitting into sky,
 turning into stars orbiting around Mûes of aroma, 
condensing lights into aroma infusing your heart to awake kindness and
beauty from within.

Let ScentMûes to enlight all your senses, to inspire your eyes to feel, 
nose to smell, ear to listen.

ScentMûes, as endorsed by internationally certified aromatherapist and 
naturopathist pursues pureness in nature with a humble intent, 
is embarking onto a journey to reconnect you with a far yet familiar lights of life.